Billie Jean King

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Billie Jean King

Billie Jean King (2007)
Urodzona 22 listopada 1943 r.
Stany Zjednoczone
Zawód tenisistka

Billie Jean King, amerykańska tenisistka urodzona 22 listopada 1943 roku w Long Beach w stanie Kalifornia. King jest uważana przez media za jedną z największych tenisistek i najlepszych sportsmenek w historii.

Billie Jean King jest pierwszą otwarcie mówiącą o swojej orientacji biseksualnej sportsmenką. W latach 70. King była w związku heteroseksualnym. W 1973 roku poddała się zabiegowi usunięcia ciąży. W 1981 roku dokonała coming outu. Obecnie mieszka w Nowym Jorku i Chicago ze swoją partnerką Ilaną Kloss.[1]

12 sierpnia 2009 roku otrzymała nagrodę Presidential Medal of Freedom od prezydenta Baracka Obamy za pracę na rzecz praw kobiet, lesbijek, gejów, osób biseksualnych i transpłciowych.

King jest przyjaciółką Eltona Johna, piosenka Philadelphia Freedom z 1975 roku była hołdem dla niej.

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Wybrane cytaty

It was very hard on me because I was outed and I think you have to do it in your own time. Fifty per cent of gay people know who they are by the age of 13. I was in the other 50%. I would never have married Larry if I’d known. I would never have done that to him. I was totally in love with Larry when I was 21.
— Billie Jean King
I wanted to tell the truth but my parents were homophobic and I was in the closet. As well as that, I had people tell me that if I talked about what I was going through, it would be the end of the women's tour. I couldn't get a closet deep enough. I've got a homophobic family, a tour that will die if I come out, the world is homophobic and, yeah, I was homophobic. If you speak with gays, bisexuals, lesbians and transgenders, you will find a lot of homophobia because of the way we all grew up. One of my big goals was always to be honest with my parents and I couldn't be for a long time. I tried to bring up the subject but felt I couldn't. My mother would say, "We’re not talking about things like that", and I was pretty easily stopped because I was reluctant anyway. I ended up with an eating disorder that came from trying to numb myself from my feelings. I needed to surrender far sooner than I did. At the age of 51, I was finally able to talk about it properly with my parents and no longer did I have to measure my words with them. That was a turning point for me as it meant I didn't have regrets any more.
— Billie Jean King


  1. Evert, Navratilova weigh in on tennis legend Billie Jean King., 2006-04-23. [dostęp 2013-06-09].